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ERASMUS + “Le Salon des Transitions”

  “Le Salon des Transitions” Nel mese di ottobre, con  la Prof.ssa Di Nardo, ci siamo recate a Gosselie, piccola cittadina del Belgio, per l’incontro transnazionale tra docenti, dove abbiamo conosciuto i nostri partner (Belgi, Norvegesi e Spagnoli).  Durante il...

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Erasmus+ project “The City rings”

Another motivating educational activity involving the students of Liceo “Fermi”: from 15 October to 22 October 2016, six Belgian pupils from the “Heilig-Hartcollege” in Waregem, accompanied by one of their teachers, Mr Koen Devlaminck, visited our school, and they were...

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